Connection @ Scandals

Scandals Cellar Bar

Today i went with some friends to the Scandals Cellar Bar. It wasn't just a normal night, it was thursday night! and for Scandals that means Connection. Connection is an indie/electro/weird bits night were you get cheap entry (if you post your name on their facebook group before 8pm you only have to pay 1 pound), cheap drinks (at the entry you get a ticket to win a load of free beer) and free stuff like posters, badges,...

Like the name 'Cellar Bar' says, the bar is located in a cellar (like Seven Oaks in Leuven, Belgium) so you can actually touch the ceiling while you're dancing. Even me! (yes i'm little but i like it) Because it's almost halloween, we saw a lot of people wearing a costume which was pretty funny to watch. The atmosphere was good and the music was great. We even got some empty papers from the DJ to write some request songs on. Benjamin and I managed to write two 2 papers full of great songs.. too bad we didn't hear them all!

For those who don't have facebook (although you probably make one if you're an erasmus student cause you need it to stay up to date with the parties and to remember the erasmus friends you've met on a drunk night), Connection also has a myspace: connectionportsmouth